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Error while reading Simulation results: Corrupt header: data_2 matrix

Error while reading Simulation results: Corrupt header: data_2 matrix

I have a strange problem.
I want to simulate a model in which I use an external C-Code Dll in the OMConnection Environment. When I simulate the Model with a Simulationtime 0,1 s everything works fine and I can see and plot the results. Setting time at 1 s ends up in the following mistake:

[:0:0-0:0] Error: Fehler beim Lesen des Simulationsergebnisses C:/Users/KIE2QS005/Documents/Entwicklung/OpenModelica/R06SimTest/Simulation1_res.mat: Corrupt header: data_2 matrix

I don't understand this. My Code must be correct because it works with a time 0,1 s, but something about reading the results doesn't work when time is bigger.
The error occurs after the Simulationprogress is 100 percent, not at the beginning of the Simulation.
I use Windows 7 and OpenModelica 1.9.1.

Does anybody know what to do?

Re: Error while reading Simulation results: Corrupt header: data_2 matrix

The mat-file Simulation1_res.mat size is 2,2 GB.
Does this have something to do with the error?

Re: Error while reading Simulation results: Corrupt header: data_2 matrix

It is obvious that the error occurs because of the size of 2,2 GB.
Is it possiple to manipulate the size of the .mat file, for example by changing the number of simulationsteps during the simualtion time.
I do not want to shorten the simulation time.

Re: Error while reading Simulation results: Corrupt header: data_2 matrix

The 64-bit Linux version should be able to handle large files without any changes.

Re: Error while reading Simulation results: Corrupt header: data_2 matrix

You could also filter only interesting variables in your simulation.

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