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If-statement code generation

If-statement code generation

(OpenModelica v1.9.1(r22929))

Hello all,

For the purpose of exploring OpenModelica's code generation for conditional statements, I have created the short model below.  The purpose is to use if-else-end for conditionally evaluated statements in a compiled FMU.


model IfTest
  parameter Real a = 1;
  parameter Real b = 2;
  parameter Boolean useA = true;
  output Real y;
  if useA then
    y = a;
    y = b;
  end if;
end IfTest;

Upon instantiation, I see the if statement has been flattened, resulting in the same path of execution regardless of the value of useA.


class IfTest
  parameter Real a = 1.0;
  parameter Real b = 2.0;
  parameter Boolean useA = true;
  output Real y;
  y = a;
end IfTest;

This isn't ideal, so let's see what happenes if no default value is given for useA.


  parameter Boolean useA;



class IfTest
  parameter Real a = 1.0;
  parameter Real b = 2.0;
  parameter Boolean useA;
  output Real y;
  if useA then
    y = a;
    y = b;
  end if;
end IfTest;

Great!  The conditional is going to be evaluated differently depending on the value of useA!  Having a quick look at the code of IfTest_06inz.c to confirm:


equation index: 1
useA = false
void IfTest2_eqFunction_1(DATA *data)
  const int equationIndexes[2] = {1,1};
  $PuseA = 0;
equation index: 2
y = if useA then a else b
void IfTest2_eqFunction_2(DATA *data)
  const int equationIndexes[2] = {1,2};
  $Py = ($PuseA?$Pa:$Pb);

Uhoh... the false branch of equation 2 will always be executed for initialization...  Ok, what if I set useA to use (fixed=false)?


  parameter Boolean useA(fixed = false);



class IfTest
  parameter Real a = 1.0;
  parameter Real b = 2.0;
  parameter Boolean useA(fixed = false);
  output Real y;
  if useA then
    y = a;
    y = b;
  end if;
end IfTest;

Good, the conditional is still there.  C:


equation index: 1
useA = $_start(useA)
void IfTest_eqFunction_1(DATA *data)
  const int equationIndexes[2] = {1,1};
  $PuseA = $P$ATTRIBUTE$PuseA.start;
equation index: 2
y = if useA then a else b
void IfTest_eqFunction_2(DATA *data)
  const int equationIndexes[2] = {1,2};
  $Py = ($PuseA?$Pa:$Pb);

Great, now I can use the conditional by setting the start value before initialization (fmiSetBoolean() would do the trick I believe).

This leads to a three-part question:
  1. Why is the conditional flattened when a default parameter is provided, as in case 1 above?
  2. Why are parameters zero-initialized (overwriting any fmiSetxxx) in 06inz.c if no default values are provided?
  3. Is the use of (fixed=false) here the right solution for the desired behaviour?

Note that I could have used the equation


y = if useA then a else b;

for this single-line assignment, but want to later extend the concept to more complex conditional blocks in the FMU.

Thank you in advance!

Edited by: mkobierski - Feb-10-15 14:57:42

Re: If-statement code generation

mkobierski wrote:

This leads to a three-part question:
  1. Why is the conditional flattened when a default parameter is provided, as in case 1 above?
  2. Why are parameters zero-initialized (overwriting any fmiSetxxx) in 06inz.c if no default values are provided?
  3. Is the use of (fixed=false) here the right solution for the desired behaviour?

1. I guess it's connected to Ticket #3108.
2.  If we really overwrite any fmiSetXXX setting than it's a new new ticket.
3.  Actually I guess it's not, since a parameter with fixed=false and without any default value demands for an additional equation for initialization.

so long.

Edited by: wbraun - Feb-16-15 08:08:01
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