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ModelicaML: Simulation results plot error

ModelicaML: Simulation results plot error


I recently suceeded in running a modelicaml code-generation from different little models. Now, I try to simulate the 'Two Controlled Tanks Model'. I followed the tutorial 'ModelicaML Tutorial, MODPROD 2011, W. Shamai' (which is by the way well-detailled). Everything but the final step gone well during the tutorial.

This is the process I followed:
> click on my model containing the connection diagram > Simulation > Simulation with OMC
Then I entered the parameters as below:

After that, I obtain a message error: "Simulation Results Plot Error", "Could not open the file [...]ModelicaMLModel.Design.TanksConnectedPI_res.mat"
And later, an empty window:

I understood that this is related to a 'ReadMatlab4' exception but I don't know why I got this exception. What was wrong in my method?

Thanks in advance,

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