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Missing Variables in OMOptim

Missing Variables in OMOptim

Hello everyone,

First, thanks to the developers for this set of tools, truly great to have such thing in the opensource world!

Im fairly new to Modelica and Openmodelica so probably Im missing something really stupid...

Thing is I was playing with OMOptim and found missing variables in the 'Model Variables' window. I can find there all the 'parameters' but never all the other 'internal' variables that are, in fact, the results of the simulation. Therefore, I can't create 'Objectives' for the optimization.

Puzzled I decided to start really simple so I slightly modified the first sample model from the book "Modelica by example":


model FirstOrder
  parameter Real a(start=1,fixed=true);
  Real x;
  der(x) = a-x;
end FirstOrder;

cant get simpler that this. It compiles and runs perfectly and I can see a,x,der(x) and time in the plotting part of OMEdit

When I load that model into OMOptim only parameter 'a' is shown in the "model variables" window.

Maybe Im missing something but shouldt (at least) 'x' be listed there so I can use it as an 'Objectives' variable?

I cant really find what Im missing  current/hmm


screenshot of OMOptim:

Edited by: JOssorio - Feb-12-16 20:02:07

Re: Missing Variables in OMOptim

I am also facing the same problem. Can someone please reply?

Re: Missing Variables in OMOptim

Looking for help with this issue. If resolved can you please post the fix.

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