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Different values thorugh 2 functions!

Different values thorugh 2 functions!

Hi, I made two functions HliqId and HvapId. When T > Tc  (33K in this case), It is written in HliqId that output will be same as HvapId. When I try to calculate at T = 400K (>33K), Both the functions should give same result. But HliqId which gives correct result while calculating directly with HvapId gives 0 as output! (weird since HliqId itself calculates from HvapId). Can someone help me here!
Im attaching the files here. Func package has functions required (HliqId and HvapId), Databse has constants that are used in these functions. enthalpytest calculates H from HvapId and h from HliqId at T = 400. H and h should be same but modelica gives h = 2957.99 and H =0.


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