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Hide underlying Modelica model from user.

Hide underlying Modelica model from user.


I am currently tasked with implementing the functionality of an Excel tool into a format which protects the intelectual property.

The model would basically entail the above roof piping of a solar thermal collector groep and beneath roof heat exchanger and thermal buffer. The user should be taken by the hand so as to be easily determine the number of collectors, piping lengths, pump needed etc... In the Excel tool this is done by asking the user to fill in properties spread over multiple tabs.

I am a huge fan of Modelica and would like to use it as the principal tool to implement the representative model. But it's not clear to me how to hide the implementation of this model.

Would it be an idea to export this model as an FMI model? But than how to preceed further? Can the UI be done in Phyton/C# which inputs and outputs are communicated to the FMI model. How to simulate the model?

Is there perhaps some example somewhere?

Thank you in advace,

Arne Sinnema

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