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I am trying to test the OMSimulator master algorithm and started by running some of the OM examples.

Could someone please tell me how I could run


from the command line?

I have tried

tlmmanager.exe OmcOmcSignals.xml

However, the simulation starts up but hangs after showing

Done StartTLMOpenModelica.bat
Done StartTLMOpenModelica.bat

I can run that example in OMEdit without any issues.

The error I also saw in OutputInput.simlog is

"[C:/OpenModelica1.12.0-32bit/OMTLMSimulator/CompositeModels/OmcOmcSignals/OutputInput/] Error: Class TLM.TLM_Interface_Signal.TLMOutput not found in scope OutputInput.
Error: Error occurred while flattening model OutputInput

I am on a Windows machine and added C:/OpenModelica1.12.0-32bit//OMTLMSimulator/bin to my system path
to avoid having to give the full path of tlmmanager.exe.



Edited by: Nouidui - Dec-02-17 00:10:02

Re: tlmmanager.exe


1. Make sure you have an environment variable called "TLMPluginPath" (without quotes) which contains the path to the OMTLMSimulator/bin folder. This is used by the start script.

2. You need to specify the address and port for the socket communications.

3. You also need to start the separate monitor executable, which logs the results.

Example, where manager uses port 11111 and monitor 12111:

> tlmmanager.exe -p 11111 -m 12111 OmcOmcSignals.xml &
> tlmmonitor.exe -n 1000 OmcOmcSignals.xml

We are working on merging the two executables to a single one. Also, the TLMPluginPath should be removed in the future.


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