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Fluid control

Fluid control


Im using Dymola trial version for school purposes.

I'm making a program in Dymola whose intent is to maintain a water level in a tank at a certain height (m), using a constant Boundry (pressure) , providing a massflow, and a sink with a valve, draining the tank from t=0.

With no pump attached to the system, the tank will get drained , because the massflow through the valve (attached to the sink) is bigger than the massflow provided by the boundry(pressure).

The pump will be placed between the boundry (which provides the massflow through constant pressure) , and the tank. The intent here is to use a PI controller with a pressure setpoint, and feedback from the tank pressure (attached to the valve), and get a new pressure for the pump to maintain the level of the tank at a certain height.

My question is how to proceed really. I need to get the parameters P and I, and I also need to translate the signal into pressure (bar), for the pump input.

i'll attach the Dymola file for you to look at.

thanks in advance!

best regards
Tommy Tollin
masters student, NTNU

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