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Apr-11-18 13:11:20
I get an error bulding simulator when I try to export a model as FMU, why ?

I have installed OMEdit V1.12.0 (6' bits) on windows.
My purpose is to generate a DLL of a model to use it in a C# project. For this, I understood that an appropriate way is to export the model as FMU and recover the DLL from it.
However, when I select my model and try "export FMU", I get the following error:

[9] 19:21:46 Traduction Erreur
Error building simulator. Build log: Makefile:34: include/Makefile.objs: No such file or directory
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target 'include/Makefile.objs'.  Stop.

In the working directory, there is now a subdirectory mymodel.fmutmp that contains a subdirectory "sources" and a xml file (modelDescription.xml), but no "include directory"

in the sources directory, there is a makefile with the following starting at line 30:
include $(RUNTIMEDIR)/Makefile.objs
ifneq ($(NEED_RUNTIME),)

There being no include subdirectory it is normal that the include command line 34 crashes.

What is wrong here ? what sort of setup should I make to ensure that the include directory (and its content) are written in the right location before running this makefile ?

I found the missing Makefile.ops file in the OpenMedica distribution in C:\OpenModelica1.12.0-64bit\include\omc\c and I tried to copy it manually before relaunching the fmu export. Did not work.

Any clue ?

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