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Problem Simulation [SOLVED]

Problem Simulation [SOLVED]

Hi guys,
i am new on this forum,
i have started to use Modelica and OpenModelica to do my master thesis ( i am an automation and control engineer).

I'm trying to model and simulate a simple system:

Source of mass----> Tank------> "place" where the mass finish his life xD

to do this i have also defined a mass flow connector...
the problem is that  when i impose a "rule" for the outgoing mass, the system says that we have a overdetermined system...
If anyone can look ad the attached package, i'd appreciate it!!!
to run the file open the model called "eseguibile" and run it...i hope it is clear despite some italian words inside...
Thanks in andvance!

Edited by: giggikr - Oct-26-17 13:10:16
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